This game is awesome
This game is awesome
I cant stop playing this game its so fun and i really love the games too
This game is so very addicting because this game has so much mix matching action that I cant stop playing (even though I started playing it yesterday) by this game deserves a 5/5 because I like yo-Kia watch show, and I think this game is is fun for everyone!
My 2 hour waiting want by quick thanks to this game
I am a HUGE fan of the 3DS Yo-Kai Watch games so I had to download this game! I love the unique gameplay style and that its not like all the other arcade style games out there. The only issue I have with it is the super long loading screen every time you open the game. It takes at least 10 minutes to load with perfect service and LTE speed. If it werent for that, I would definitely give this game 5 stars.
I love this game and otherones like yo Kai land
I didnt think I would get addicted like I did.... Its kinda pokemon-ish meets best fiends, but with wayyyyy more stuff
I loved the first Yo-Kai Watch game on Nintendo 3DS and this game, to me, is not far off from it. In fact, I feel like you have a little more control than the 3DS versions battle system and the way you play. Honestly, if you want to buy a 3DS for Yo-Kai Watch, try this game out first. If you like it and want more, the 3DS version will fulfill all your Yo-Kai wants.
It has the yo-Kai watch U early
i extremely recommend this game. if you havent played it, you are certainly missing out. it brings a new spin to yokai watch and its fun and challenging on the side!!! theres no ads or long loading screens, and its fun for the family!!!
I love Yokai-Watch and when I found out that this came out............
Its a cute game and a great time waster
This is a really nice and pretty cute game. You have access to many cool and fun things. This game doesnt get boring as theyre always adding new things! You should download it!
this game is so addicting, I play it constantly
It keeps redownloading the info every time I go to play!
I love the game so much. I love everything about it! But i would like to recommend some updates in the later future. A chat system where you can talk to your friends. I feel like communication with your friends on the game would be a great idea. This is my thoughts since i sometimes wonder what my friends have and would like to chat with them.
Really recommend this game! Its a good mix of classic and new, in order to keep players interested.
Its really fun to play.
I just wish it had all of the international levels D;
This awesome game is entertaining and I love learning new YoKai names and their likes/dislikes.